lubricity (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[lubricity 词源字典]
late 15c., "lasciviousness," from Middle French lubricité or directly from Latin lubricitatem (nominative lubricitas), from lubricus "slippery" (see lubricant (adj.)). Sense of "oiliness, smoothness" is from 1540s; figurative sense of "shiftiness" is from 1610s.[lubricity etymology, lubricity origin, 英语词源]
shifty (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1560s, "able to manage for oneself, fertile in expedients," from shift (n.1) in secondary sense of "dodge, trick, artifice" + -y (2). Meaning "habitually using dishonest methods, characterized by trickery" first recorded 1837. In a sense "prone to shifting," of the wind, used from 1884. Related: Shiftily; shiftiness.