novice (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[novice 词源字典]
mid-14c., "probationer in a religious order," from Old French novice "beginner" (12c.), from Medieval Latin novicius, noun use of Latin novicius "newly imported, newly arrived, inexperienced" (of slaves), from novus "new" (see new). Meaning "inexperienced person" is attested from early 15c.[novice etymology, novice origin, 英语词源]
probation (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 15c., "trial, experiment, test," from Old French probacion "proof, evidence" (14c., Modern French probation) and directly from Latin probationem (nominative probatio) "approval, assent; a proving, trial, inspection, examination," noun of action from past participle stem of probare "to test" (see prove). Meaning "testing of a person's conduct" (especially as a trial period for membership) is from early 15c.; theological sense first recorded 1520s; criminal justice sense is recorded by 1866. As a verb from 1640s. Related: Probationer; probationary.
"A member of a group of disciples of Pythagoras who unquestioningly followed his doctrines and precepts rather than studying his scientific proofs and demonstrations. Opposed to mathematic, mathematician", Mid 17th cent.; earliest use found in Thomas Stanley (1625–1678), poet and classical scholar. From post-classical Latin acusmaticus and its etymon Byzantine Greek ἀκουσματικός probationer in the school of Pythagoras, lit. ‘person willing to hear’ from ancient Greek ἀκουσματ-, ἄκουσμα + -ικός.