plutocracy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[plutocracy 词源字典]
1650s, from Greek ploutokratia "rule or power of the wealthy or of wealth," from ploutos "wealth" (see Pluto) + -kratia "rule" (see -cracy). Synonym plutarchy is slightly older (1640s). Pluto-democracy "plutocracy masquerading as democracy" is from 1895.[plutocracy etymology, plutocracy origin, 英语词源]
"The science of the production and distribution of wealth", Mid 19th cent.; earliest use found in John Ludlow (1821–1911), lawyer and social activist. From pluto- + -nomy, after economy.
"Rule or government by formal democratic processes but with only the wealthy having any real power", Late 19th cent.; earliest use found in Isaac Funk (1839–1912), publisher and reformer. From pluto- + democracy.