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discernyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[discern 词源字典]
discern: [14] Discern, discreet, discrete, and discriminate all come ultimately from the same source, Latin discernere, literally ‘separate by sifting’, hence ‘distinguish’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘apart’ and cernere ‘sift, separate’ (source of English crime and secret and related to crisis).

The derived noun discrīmen formed the basis of a new Latin verb discrīmināre, from which English gets discriminate [17]. (Closely related is decree [14], whose ultimate source is Latin dēcernere ‘decide’, also a derivative of cernere but with the prefix -, denoting removal.)

=> certain, crime, crisis, decree, discreet, discrete, discriminate, excrement, secret[discern etymology, discern origin, 英语词源]