osteo-youdaoicibaDictYouDict[osteo- 词源字典]
before vowels oste-, word-forming element meaning "bone, bones," from Greek osteon "bone" (see osseous).[osteo- etymology, osteo- origin, 英语词源]
osteology (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1660s, from French ostèologie, from Modern Latin osteologia, from Greek osteon "bone" (see osseous) + -logia (see -logy).
osteopath (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1897, back-formation from osteopathy.
osteopathy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1857, "disease of the bones," from Greek osteon "bone" (see osseous) + -pathy, from Greek -patheia, comb. form of pathos "suffering, disease, feeling" (see pathos). As a system of treating ailments by the manipulation of bones, it dates from 1889.
osteoporosis (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1846, from osteo- + stem of Greek poros "passage, pore, voyage" (see pore (n.)) + -osis. Related: Osteoporotic.
"A large multinucleate bone cell which absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing", Late 19th century: from osteo- 'bone' + Greek klastēs 'breaker'.
"A tumour of bone; specifically a well-circumscribed benign tumour composed of compact or trabecular bone, usually occurring in a bone of the skull", Mid 19th cent. From osteo- + -oma, after scientific Latin osteoma.