orthopaedics (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[orthopaedics 词源字典]
chiefly British English spelling of orthopedics; for spelling, see pedo-. Related: Orthopaedic.[orthopaedics etymology, orthopaedics origin, 英语词源]
orthopedic (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1840, from French orthopédique, from orthopédie, coined by French physician Nicholas Andry (1658-1742), from Greek orthos "straight, correct" (see ortho-) + paideia "rearing of children," from pais (genitive paidos) "child" (see pedo-).
orthopedics (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1853, from orthopedic. Also see -ics.
orthopedist (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1853, from orthopedy (1840), from French orthopédie (18c.); see orthopedic + -ist.
orthopraxy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1840, from ortho- + Greek praxis "a doing, action, performance" (see praxis).
Errata -- Page 263, line 9 from bottom, for 'orthodoxy' read orthopraxy. This is a new coin from the mint of Dr. [Andrew] Wylie [of Bloomington College, Indiana], at least I have not before noticed it. Its etymology places it in a just contrast with orthodoxy: for if that consecrated word indicates thinking right, orthopraxy will legitimately import doing right, and hence, as Mr. Wylie says, orthopraxy in the last dread day will pass the divine ordeal incomparably better than orthodoxy. O! that a zeal for orthopraxy would transcend the zeal for orthodoxy! ["The Millennial Harbinger," vol. IV, no. VIII, Bethany, Va., August 1840]
"The study or treatment of irregularities of the eyes, especially those of the eye muscles that prevent normal binocular vision", Late 19th century: from ortho- 'correct' + Greek optikos (see optic).
"A modification of pantomography in which the X-ray beam is kept perpendicular to the jaws, producing a flat image of both jaws and their teeth", 1950s. From ortho- + pantomography. Compare orthopantomogram, orthopantomograph.
"A radiograph obtained by orthopantomography", 1950s. From ortho- + pantomogram. Compare orthopantomograph, orthopantomography.
"A trademark for: an instrument for performing orthopantomography", 1950s. From ortho- + pantomograph. Compare orthopantomogram, orthopantomography.