moor (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[moor 词源字典]
"waste ground," Old English mor "morass, swamp," from Proto-Germanic *mora- (cognates: Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Dutch meer "swamp," Old High German muor "swamp," also "sea," German Moor "moor," Old Norse mörr "moorland," marr "sea"), perhaps related to mere (n.), or from root *mer- "to die," hence "dead land."
The basic sense in place names is 'marsh', a kind of low-lying wetland possibly regarded as less fertile than mersc 'marsh.' The development of the senses 'dry heathland, barren upland' is not fully accounted for but may be due to the idea of infertility. [Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names]
[moor etymology, moor origin, 英语词源]
savannah (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
also savanna, "treeless plain," 1550s, from Spanish sabana, earlier zavana "treeless plain," from Taino (Arawakan) zabana. In U.S. use, especially in Florida, "a tract of low-lying marshy ground" (1670s).