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wildyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[wild 词源字典]
wild: [OE] Wild is a general Germanic word, shared by German and Dutch (wild) and Swedish and Danish (vild). All go back to a prehistoric ancestor *wilthijaz, which in turn was probably descended from Indo-European *ghwelt- (source of Welsh gwyllt ‘wild’). The derivative wilderness [OE] etymologically denotes the ‘condition of being a wild animal’.

It originated as an abstract noun formed from Old English wild dēor ‘wild animal’. But by the time it appears in texts, the modern sense ‘wild land’ is complete. The noun is thought to have been the source of the now defunct verb wilder, which probably served as the basis of bewilder [17]. Wildebeest [19] was acquired from Afrikaans.

=> bewilder, wilderness[wild etymology, wild origin, 英语词源]