crispin (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[crispin 词源字典]
1640s, "shoemaker," in literary use only, from Ss. Crispin and Crispinian (martyred at Soissons, c.285 C.E.), patrons of shoemakers. French hagiographers make the brothers noble Romans who, while they preached in Gaul, worked as shoemakers to avoid living on the alms of the faithful. The name is Crispinus, a Roman cognomen, from Latin crispus "curly" (probably with reference to hair; see crisp).[crispin etymology, crispin origin, 英语词源]
hagiography (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"sacred writing," especially of saints' lives, 1821, from hagio- "holy" + -graphy. Related: Hagiographic (1809); hagiographical (1580s); hagiographer (1650s).
mineral soilyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"Soil, or a soil, which has a low proportion of organic material", Mid 18th cent.; earliest use found in Alban Butler (1709–1773), Roman Catholic priest and hagiographer.