banter (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[banter 词源字典]
1670s, origin uncertain; said by Swift to be a word from London street slang. Related: Bantered; bantering. The noun is from 1680s.[banter etymology, banter origin, 英语词源]
roast (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 14c., "meat roasted or for roasting;" see roast (v.). Meaning "a roasting" is from 1580s. Sense of "an unmerciful bantering" is from 1740.
stinker (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
as a term of abuse (often banteringly), c. 1600, agent noun from stink (v.); also in the same sense was stinkard (c. 1600). Extended form stinkeroo attested by 1934.