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fashionyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[fashion 词源字典]
fashion: [13] The underlying notion of fashion is of ‘making’, ‘forming’, or ‘shaping’. The main modern sense of the word developed via ‘particular shape or style’, ‘way, manner’, and ‘prevailing or current manner’. English acquired it via Anglo-Norman fasun from Latin factiō, a derivative of facere ‘make, do’ (which has contributed an enormous range of vocabulary to English, from fact to difficult, and is distantly related to English do itself).

Latin factiō was only rarely used in the literal sense ‘making’. In classical times it was generally applied to a ‘group of people acting together’ (hence English faction [16]), and the metaphorical extension to ‘way, manner’ and ‘custom’ taken up by English fashion is a post-classical development.

=> difficult, fact, faction, factory[fashion etymology, fashion origin, 英语词源]