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poleyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pole 词源字典]
pole: There are two separate words pole in English. Pole ‘long thin piece of wood’ [OE] comes from a pre- historic Germanic *pāl- (source also of German pfahl, Dutch paal, and Swedish påla). This was borrowed from Latin pālus ‘stake’, from which English gets pale ‘stake’. Pole ‘extremity’ [14] was acquired from Latin polus, which in turn went back to Greek pólos ‘axis of a sphere’. This was a descendant of Indo-European *qwolo- ‘turn round’ (source of English wheel), and has also given English pulley. The derivative polar [16] is an anglicization of the modern Latin coinage polāris.
=> pale; polar, pulley, wheel[pole etymology, pole origin, 英语词源]