bouquet (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[bouquet 词源字典]
1716, introduced to English by Lady Mary Montague from French bouquet, originally "little wood," from Picard form of Old French bochet (14c.), diminutive of bosco, from Medieval Latin boscus "grove" (see bush (n.)).[bouquet etymology, bouquet origin, 英语词源]
"The full amount expected, desired, or possible", Of unknown origin; the phrase is only recorded recently. Among various (unsubstantiated) theories, one cites the phrase the full Montague Burton, apparently meaning 'a complete three-piece suit' (from the name of a tailor of made-to-measure clothing in the early 20th century); another recounts the possibility of a military usage, the full monty being 'the full cooked English breakfast' insisted upon by Field Marshal Montgomery.