ego (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[ego 词源字典]
1714, as a term in metaphysics, "the self; that which feels, acts, or thinks," from Latin ego "I" (cognate with Old English ic; see I). Psychoanalytic (Freudian) sense is from 1894; sense of "conceit" is 1891. Ego-trip first recorded 1969, from trip (n.). Related: egoical; egoity.
In the book of Egoism it is written, Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity. [George Meredith, "The Egoist," 1879]
[ego etymology, ego origin, 英语词源]
unalterable (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, from un- (1) "not" + alterable. Related: Unalterably.
He reach'd a middle height, and at the stars,
Which are the brain of heaven, he look'd, and sank.
Around the ancient track march'd, rank on rank,
The army of unalterable law.

[George Meredith, "Lucifer in Starlight"]
"In an accusable manner; reprehensibly", Late 19th cent.; earliest use found in George Meredith (1828–1909), novelist and poet. From accusable + -ly.