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pimpernelyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[pimpernel 词源字典]
pimpernel: [15] The burnet, a plant of the rose family, has fruit that look like peppercorns. It was therefore termed in Vulgar Latin *piperīnella, a derivative of *piperīnus ‘pepperlike’, which in turn was based on Latin piper ‘pepper’ (source of English pepper). This passed into Old French as piprenelle, which was later altered to pimpernelle – hence English pimpernel. This too denoted the ‘burnet’, and it is not clear how it came to be applied (as early as the 15th century) to the small red-flowered plant of the primrose family, its current usage.
=> pepper[pimpernel etymology, pimpernel origin, 英语词源]