EnglishmanyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[Englishman 词源字典]
Old English Engliscman, from English (n.1) + man (n.). Related: Englishmen. Englishwoman is from c. 1400. Englander "native of England" is from 1820; in some cases from German Engländer. Englisher is from 1680s. Englishry is from late 13c. in Anglo-French as "state of being English;" from mid-15c. as "the English people or faction."[Englishman etymology, Englishman origin, 英语词源]
"Resembling an ant in form or behaviour; ( Zoology ) myrmecomorphic", Mid 19th cent.; earliest use found in Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine. From myrmeco- + -oid.