1. 很多国家选择总统制政府。
Many countries favour a presidential system of government.


2. 美国现代总统制度的发展始于安德鲁·杰克逊,他于1829年以民主党领袖的身份掌权,一直任职到1837年。
The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837.


3. 美国现代总统制度的发展始于安德鲁·杰克逊,他于1829年以民主党领袖的身份掌权,一直任职到1837年。
The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837.
