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词根词缀:olig-, oligo-

【来源及含义】Greek: prefix; scanty, little, meager, tiny, infrequent; abnormally few or small

【相关词根词缀】Related "few, small, less, little" word units: micro-; mini-; mio-, meio-; nano-.

【同源单词】oligacanthous, oligandrous, oliganthous, oligarch, oligarchic, oligarchical

词根词缀:-poly, -pole, -polism, -polist, -polists, -polistic, -polistically

【来源及含义】Greek: used as a suffix; sale, selling; one who sells; pertaining to selling, to sell; trade, barter

【相关描述】Don’t confuse this -poly with another poly- which means “many, much” or with -polis, "city".

【同源单词】antimonopoly, bibliopole, bibliopolism, bibliopolist, bibliopoly, duopolist