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词根:civ, civil = citizen 公民

  来源于拉丁语 civis 市民,词根civil 为 civ 的变体。许多市民的肝都出了毛病,尤其是常喝酒的朋友们:hepat,hepato 肝,来源于希腊语 hepar / hepat,分别用于元音和辅音前,如:hepatic 肝的、hepatosis 肝痛,肝机能病。


1. civility  [civ 公民 + -ity (n.) 名词后缀 → 有礼貌的公民→]

2. city  [c(=-civil-) 公民 + -ity(n.) 表示地方 → 公民所在的地方→]

3. citizen  [citi(=city) 城市 + -zen(n.) 名词后缀,表示人 →在城市里居住的人→]

4. civilize  [civil 公民 + -ize (v.) 表示使 →努力使之成为一个合格的公民→]
  v. 使开化,使文明,教化

5. incivility  [in- 不,否 + civ 公民 + -ility 名词后缀 → 斯文,彬彬有礼,不礼貌的→]

6. civilization  [-iz (v.) 动词后缀、-ation (n.) 名词后缀 →公民精神形象的一种表现 →]

词根词缀:syphilo-, syphil-, syphili-, syphi-

【来源及含义】Latin: Syphil[us], the eponymous main character of Girolamo Fracastoro's poem "Syphilus sive Morbus Gallicus" [Syphilus, or the French Disease], published at Verona, Italy [1530]

【相关描述】Syphilis is a venereal disease (of which Fracastoro's hero Syphilus, was a victim) and is caused by the microorganism Treponema pallidum.

Syphilus was a shepard whose name literally means a "friend of swine". Perhaps it was derived from Greek syn-, "together", plus philein "to love", or from Greek siphlos, "crippled, maimed". No one seems to know for certain.

【同源单词】antisyphilitic, dermosyphilopathy, neurosyphilis, syphilide, syphilionthus, syphiliphobia